chief. He ran a “clean program.” Dick came on stage by climbing out of a gondola, followed by company owner Hans Georg Hagleitner. In order to take the audience along to lofty sales heights. Sales of EUR 120,489,000 In the past fiscal year, Hagleitner crossed the 120 million mark, with sales of EUR 120,489,000 from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018 - 6.3% more than in the previous twelve months. The top seller among more than 600 products is currently integral 2GO. With this system, Hagleitner makes itself
A. ö. Bezirkskrankenhaus Kufstein We equipped the following areas: washroomHYGIENE 120 dispenser for toilet seat disinfection have been installed at BKH. "Together - for each other - healthy in Kufstein" is the motto of the General Public District Hospital in Kufstein. It is a joint project of 30 municipalities. WHY HAGLEITNER? The association, which guides the fortunes of the hospital, is always striving to provide a high standard of care to patients and staff. In addition to medical care, this
cost-effectiveness were the reasons why they chose the washroom dispensers of the XIBU line. Caretaker, Klaus Sieberer commends the work of the suppliers and technicians during the assembly of the dispensers: "When the social center was completed, over 120 dispensers had to be installed within a very short periode of time. That was no problem for the suppliers and fitters. That speaks for a great service. " A hood dishwasher is in operation in the kitchen of the social center, which is supplied with